Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tin Tin the tree termite terminator. So how did you spend your Sunday?

A tree that looks like a tuning fork is in our back yard. Trouble is, the tree is almost dead.

The da hooked a chain around it.

And guess who pulled it down?

Before you guess, here's what it looked like. Those termites were havin' themselves a big feed.

Blowin' on the paws, gettin' ready for the pull... this helping?

I feel kinda like how Ao4 or my other Sibe pals must feel when they're pullin' sleds and other stuff.

Tin Tin termite terminator at your service.

Now where's the treat ma?

PS ok so I didn't yank the tree down. The stupid humans thought it would be funny to make it look like I did.

Ha blinkin' ha.

I'll be baaaaaaack.

PPS Bye bye sweet FuFu. And hell-oooo hell-oooo Girl Girl.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Byebye tree.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Nasty termites! I bet you would be strong enough to pull the tree down!

Oscar x

Duke said...

Boy, the hoomans got you working hard pulling down trees Tin Tin! I hope you were rewarded handsomely for your services!

Love ya lots,

Boo Casanova said...

well tin tin, you sure fool me thinking you yank the tree!

wet wet licks


Janie said...

Tin Tin you are so powerful!

Janie T.P.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh those termites look nasty. You sure look strong enough to be pulling that tree down. :)

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! You're very strong!!! Hey, maybe you can work for those people who cut trees down. Just be careful that you won't get flatten by one... Haha!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

I was thinking you were world's strongest dog for a minute there!!

Ben & Darling said...

Good Job Tin Tin!!

Anonymous said...

Goodbye nasty tree and welcome back Tin Tin! We have missed you!

Nugget said...

Hi Tin Tin, Lookin' good in those photos! Are you ready for a game of tag? - Tag you're it! We are playing
eight things you don't know about me.

Boo Boo said...


For a moment, I thought you are my idol :)

L said...

Tin Tin,

If your people hadn't starved you on your diet, I'm sure you would have been able to pull the tree down with little effort at all. Silly people!

PerfectTosca said...

Wow! Tin Tin the logger! I am so impressed! Now I KNOW I'm in love.

We got one of those forked trees too, Tin Tin. I plan on hoping into it this summer to head over the fence again so I can see the old man who lives behind us. It better not die before then, let me tell you.

The Army of Four said...

Tin Tin: Wowzers, great work with that tree!
"Pulling a sled"? What's that? Ha roo roo roo.
Play bows,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You are so funny! Tin Tin! I believed you had pulled that darn tree down if you hadn't said anything!

love and gullible licks, Marvin xxxx

Sparky said...

Oh, that was just a wee-little baby tree. Check out the tree my pop took down: My mama affectionately named it the widow maker.

wally said...

Hey Tin Tin. We have to humor the apes, eh

Good to have you back.


Forest Dogs said...

Sparkey - looks like my size throwing stick! :-D


We're on a quest to find blogging dogs, peace-loving dogs for next week's "Dona Nobis Pacem"

Peaceglobe day...(the cats have overtaken the movement so far!!)

Please join!

Thank you.

Blogblast for Peace
6th June 2007

(If you do 'Wordless Wednesday' a Peaceglobe would be fantastic!
and if you know of a general 'Dogs with Blogs' notice board, even better! *lick*)

Charlie said...

But you could've pulled it down -- we know you COULD have!!
- Charlie

Hammer said...

Hey Tin Tin

I agree with Charlie. You could've pulled down that tree if your hoomans had got out of the way.
Did your silly hoomans give you treats ?

Love from your friend, Hammer

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We believe that you could have pulled that tree down if you had wanted to. You are so strong! And treats are always a good persuasion.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Finnegan said...

Wow! You would be the strongest dog EVER if you took that tree down by yourself. Glad to hear from you again!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey TinTin,

Just stopping by to check that you are doing okay - and to bark a big hello :)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hahah.. That tree actually looked like a giant catapult!!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Tin Tin,

Don't let the trees get the better of you!

xxx Asta in Melbourne

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Hey TinTin,

Where you been buddy. I've been missing your most handsome face!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

How you doin? Tin Tin! love Marvin xxxxx Long Time No Bark!

Liza said...

Tin Tin -

My dad was impressed but what a big helper you are - he has some shrubs that need to go if ya wanna help!

Love ya - Dory

T-man Angel said...

OK, it still looks like you hauled that tree to the ground. You look like a powerful doggie!

e said...

Hey Jen, Hey TinTin
How are you both doing? You haven't been blogging for a while.

Want to say thank you for signing my pledge. You guys rock.

Jen, whats new with you??

I've finally started studying the qualifying program for Speech Path I was telling you about.

Hope all is well,

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