Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For five months I've been missin' you...

I'm so ashamed, I can hardly look at you, dooogs.

I'm hardly barkin' at the ma either.

Oh my dooog, five months?

Honestly, it's been way tooo long without your sniffs and howls, and I haven't been to your smelly blogplaces in agesssss either.

Can you ever forgive me?

Will you ever come and chew the fat again with me?

Of course I'll understand if you never want to sniff my butt again.

Perfect Tosca said she'd bite her foot if I didn't post soon.

I should really bite mine for being so slack, although it wasn't my fault, If. You. Know. What. I. Mean.

No doubt the ma will insist on including a list of pathetic excuses in a later dogpost. 'The dog ate my homework.' 'I was busy.' 'I had to listen to some flowers growing.' 'Let's take on some barkin' challenges and do them all at once, shall we?''I clean forgot.' 'Blog, what blog?' 'Oh look, is that fish really looking at me?' .

I hope you still have all your paws, lovely Tosca.

Thank you all for not forgetting me completely. Thank you for stopping by and leaving tasty comments.

What's the highest compliment I can pay you, to let you know how I feel about you?

Mmmmmm, I know.

You are all like marrow bones to me:

delicious, lickable, desirable, wondrously smelly, pantingly scrumptious, everydooog's dream....

....and oh so good for me!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh Tin Tin, we really missed you lots! Yeah, 5 months is pretty looooong! Your hooman deserves a punishment & the punishment should be, blogging 24/7 with no sleep at all! Toilet breaks, baths & meals should be given half an hour only. Is that a good punishment or what? Maybe that will teach your hooman a lesson on NOT t neglect your bloggy again! Mmm, that meatables looks sooo yummy!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

It's ok, Tin Tin. Only half of my hoomans have been reading blogs and half posting blogs (when I get push him into it). It's good to see your handsome face again (like mine)!

Thanks for the pawsome Xmas card,
Love and Licks,
Texas and his humans.

Duke said...

We forgive you, Tin Tin! Sometimes life just gets too busy and it's hard to keep up!

Friends forever!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Woooohoooo Tin Tin is back ! It is so nice to have news from you... and lovely pictures. welcome back Tin Tin !!!!
Kisses, Faya

Murphey said...

We are just glad you came back!


Dining Alone said...

Tin Tin, buddy, you are back!! I have missed you!!!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Yipeeeeeeeeeee - so glad you have returned TinTin - I have missed you SO much.

You are just in time for Valentines Day :-)

Mum sent your mum an email recently asking where you all were - maybe she didn't get it ?

Anyway - welcome back buddy - please don't leave for so long again.

Lots of love,
your gal (hopefully, still),

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...


Sam I Am said...

forgive me my hoomans have been so busy .DUDE welcome backed you have been missed

Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy valentines day.

Lots of love Simba x

Charlie said...

DOOOG! Were so glad you're back! Great pictures, as always.
- Charlie

Snowball said...

Welcome back, Tin Tin. It has been a long time. I hope you dun go MIA again.


L said...

Welcome back TinTin. We wondered what happened to you. Great pictures and hopefully you won't disappear for 5 months again.
Comet and BLU

PerfectTosca said...

WOOT! It's you! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! I practically lost a food waiting for you! I mean I was so nervous without you I...I...oh forget it! I am soooooooo glad you see my handsome Tin Tin I could just........bite.......my....foot!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Tin Tin - my blog is being neglected at the moment too so I know exactly how you feel!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Tin Tin, we really missed you! We hope you are back for a while but we understand if your mom only lets you check in once in a while. We need to check on Tosca and her paws! You are still as handsome as ever.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Murphey said...

So glad you are back Tin Tin. That bone looks yummy....


Anonymous said...

Tin Tin really has a personality!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Tin tin.. so nice to see you back...

~ Girl girl

Charlie - The Big Dog said...


Welcome back! Im so happy you are back online!

Luv your ol pal C$

PerfectTosca said...

Just checkin' in and makin' sure you are still here, handsome.

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Tin Tin
Welcome back to blog land.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Anonymous said...


What a great blog you have, and what handsome photos!

I photograph dogs, and most of my work is on my site at www.slobberspace.com. Please feel free to take a look, I'd love to hear what you think!

Anna Kuperberg

Princess Patches said...

Tin Tin, we're just glad you are okay! We worry when somedog doesn't post in a long time. Welcome back!

Poppy & Penny

The Army of Four said...

Oh, TIN TIN! We were SO happy to get a comment from you and to see you BLOGGING again! YEA! Oh... you look handsomer than EVER! Have you been saving up all those cute poses? Sigh.

MelínSole said...

Nice blog!! Tin tin is cute!
I've just started a blog for my beagle Cony! =)
I would like you to visit it and if you want, we can change links! =)
Bye - bye!!
P.D.: Sorry for my english, I'm from Argentina! =)

MJ's doghouse said...

hi tin tin..i wouldnt be embarassed if i was you...sometimes we just need a break....i think you are so adorbale thoughh...

Freda said...

Hey Tin Tins.

Long time no barks. I've been slows in barkin' too. My BIG DUMMYS dad switched to the 'NEW' Bloggers and now we can't do some stuffs like we did befores. (I bitin' his butts agains right now!!) So we've been workin' on thats. Dad's gone to see his sicks dad 1,2 1,2 twice and he even started his owns blog ON MY TIMES!

So don't worrys about not barkin' for a whiles. Just glads to sniff ya agains.



Deanna said...

Yeah! We're SO glad to see you back! We missed you terribly!

Sparky said...

It's about TIME man!!!! I hope you had some good adventures while you were away!

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Hey there Handsome Tin Tin--happy to have your butt to sniff again--we've been missing you. (tell your person that our people are pretty lame too and haven't been posting much at all)

Pippin and the gang

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ said...

30 March 2008


Dear fellow blogger,

My name is Bryony and I am an artist, based in Manchster, England. I graduated from a BA in Fine Art almost a year ago now, and am currently making a go of things as a (part-time!) artist, having just rented a studio here in Manchester.

My work is heavily influenced by man’s relationship with animals.
Recently I have become fascinated by the number of blogs online dedicated to pet dogs.

I have an idea in mind for a show, which would happen in early May this year, and I would like you to be a part of it!

What I plan to do with this art work is to demonstrate the depth and rich complexity of our love of animals, man’s best friend in particular. The work would involve the use of a piece of text from your blog (with your permission, of course).
I think this will be a lovely project – it will be fun, and will unite dog-lovers around the globe!

If you would be willing to take part, or for more information, please contact me through the email address above. Feel free to have a look at my previous art work on my blog.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, it is much appreciated and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,
