Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Follow me on Twitter, doogs

Haven't been barking here in quite a while, dooogs...

...since I discovered the lazy doogs version of dogbloggin'...

...which is Twitter Howler.

(And yes, yes, yes, it should be 'Howl' if I were to be consistent and all that.

But I like the name Howler, okay?)

So come and chase me in the Twitterverse here: http://twitter.com/TinTinTheDog .

There are some delicious cats for stalking over there!

This doesn't mean I've totally abandoned my smelly blogplace here though.

Chow for now,

Tin Tin x


L said...

but...but...but...there's NO PICTURES over there!

Amber-Mae said...

Will try & catch you there!

Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

dogasaur said...

Hi Tin Tin
We are on Twitter too!


We would also like to invite you and your pet human to come play on our new site


We will soon have a dog park section

Hoover said...

I think we might be related. You are very good lookin.

Von said...

Hi TinTin,like they say,no photos on Twit thing.
Come call on me sometime at liz-livethegoodlife.blogspot.com for some K9 fun.

Home exchange said...

Don't give up your blog for Twitter! Twitter is evil! Blogs are so much more wholesome!!

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