Wednesday, February 14, 2007

That day. The day that's in it. Happy it.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you bee-itches out there. And doogs.

I love you all, and that’s the truth.

be still my beating wild strawberry jelly heart

Here’s a heart-shaped box of strawberry heart-shaped jellies I helped eat.

any more of those yummy jelly heart thingies?

Here’s a stupid heart-shaped cushion I was supposed to pose with.

whaaaat? they're all gone?

Uh-huh, that went well.

and you expect me to pose still with this non-smelly cushiony yoke?

What can I bark.

feck off.

I got bored.

It’s not like I was cuddling up to any of my favourite gal-pals, like Opy, Chelsea , Cairo, Isabella, Sunshade, Amber & Stormy, Holly, Sophie, Sid, Charlie, Bella, Snickers, Freda (sorry Charlie), Ivy, Fei, Maggie, Meeshka, Onion, Tosca….I could bark on and on…and sorry to those beee-itches I haven't listed... (oh my dog I'm such a slut...).

The thing is, I want to send big howl-outs to all the guys too.

And I'm definitely not going to list all of them.

So here’s to all Dogs With Blogs.

And even those who haven’t heard the alluring howl of the internet yet.

Love, peace and plenty of marrow bones, doooogs.

(Oh yes, I had one of those.

Marrow bones, that is.

Oh yeeeeeeessss.)


Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy valentines day, don't eat all the sweets you'll get tummy ache.

Simba xx

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Happy Valentine's day Tin Tin. What are those colored things on your collar?


The Army of Four said...

Oh, most handsome-est Tin Tin! Stormy and I wish you the best Valentine's Day filled with treats and love. And treats. Did I mention treats? Our brothers send special greetings, too, in a manly way.

Wired for Mackie said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Tin Tin!

Your pal, Mackie

wally said...

thanks for the love, tin-tin. so sorry you had to pose with a cheesy pillow. i think a marrow bone is a wonderful show of affection and i don't know why the naked apes don't gift each other with them! far superior to flowers.


Anonymous said...

It's aight doooog - we are Aussie studs - we can have many bee-itches - it's the way of the doooog world.

Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).

Anonymous said...

Wow, Tin Tin you are really into Valentine's Day! The cushion was a bit much, though. I don't blame you for getting bored. Honestly, I would have tried to eat the cushion! By the way, I made a link to your website on mine. Thanks for the link on yours!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that pillow is a little weird (hearts aren't supposed to have arms). You're quite the Casanova, though. I'm flattered to be listed as one of your gal-pals! Have a great Valentine's Day!

xoxo - Bella

Duke said...

Happy Valentine's day Tin Tin!!

Love ya lots,

Boo Casanova said...

hello tin-tin,

did you eat all the jellies??

happy valentine's day... nonono, it's over just like here.

wet wet licks


Ivy said...

hey hey tin tin! cuddling wif your favorite gal-pal dogs is always better than a stupid heart pillow.

i noticed that pillow has arms. and hands. and those hands arent petting you or skratching your ears in any of your picktures. izzent that wut hands are supposed to do? i mean come on! get wif it pillow! you gotta luv on dogs if you are going to haf hands!

stupid pillow.

Charlie said...

Glad they let you off the diet for a day! I had to forage some sticks from the back yard... NOT!
- Chuck

Tigersan said...

Marrow bones... those sound yummy :]

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Isabella said...

Happy Valentine's Day, TinTin!
Big Wags,

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Valentines Day, sweet TinTin :-)I love you :-)

Big hugs and kisses,


Fu Fu said...

Hee. happy valentine's Day to you too Tin Tin. have you finish all the jelly?

~ fufu

Cash said...

That heart pillow thingy with arms is pretty weird....but you were a good sport to pose with it! So, in my book, you are a KEWL dog,

Finnegan said...

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!


Sophie Brador said...

I can't stand it! You are just the cutest dog ever.

Chelsea said...

I see you had to succumb to a Valentine's photo shoot as were a good sport.

HAPPY VALENTINES and don't eat too many jelly things. You don't want to puke pink.


L said...

Tin Tin,

Hope you enjoyed your valentine's day and eating some candies.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey TT! I ate an entire yummy Chocolate Valentine Cupcake before anybody noticed! Just love these holidays!

Bussie Kissies

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey TinTin,

You have been nominated for "Photo of the Month Award" over at the DWB BoneZone, head on over and cast your vote :-)


Joe Stains said...

happy valentine's day!!

PerfectTosca said...

Ohhhhhhhh Tin Tin I'm so flattered that you want to hug Perfect Me! I just think you are sooooooo cute! I bet all the girls chase you in person!

We skipped Valentine's day here at the nuthouse. You might have been reading about how we got blasted with about seventeen thousand feet of snow here in upstate NY, my mom calls it the armpit of the nation. Mom started to get cabin fever and I stayed out of the way, let me tell you.

Onion said...

Oh TinTin, here I am, late as usual, to say THANK YOU for your Valentine's wishes and to say I've saved you a tasty bone we can share one romantic evening.
Big lick,

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Great pictures. Those sweets look yummmm

Tail wags

Baily said...

Happy Valentines Day

puppy kisses

Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Tin Tin....

You are tooooo cute!
And those Wild Jelly Stawberry Hearts look so yuuuuummmmy!

Hope your V-Day was Great!

Maddie the Chocolate Lab Bunny and Frankie Girl

Anonymous said...

I must say you look pretty cutesy with the heart-shaped cushion though...hee hee hee!!!!

We're boys Tin Tin!!!! NO MORE posing with girly stuff!!!

Hope you had a happy valentine's day nonetheless, you casanova!!


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